Home of Re Hu Tek™ and Sombu Kotal™

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Re Hu Tek™ is an energy system that goes beyond a simple healing modality (method). It has a lineage that dates back to ancient Egypt and their mystery schools. Although ancient wisdom is filled with amazing truths, it is often cumbersome and filled with religious and cultural baggage. We have cleared that away to get to the core principles.  Re Hu Tek energies are universal and for everyone ready to experience and benefit from them.

To awaken and connect with this age-old energy, we have developed a special attunement process. You just need to sit back and relax while a Re Hu Tek adept practitioner transmits the energy, so you are in “tune” with two, distinct subtle energies—Earth and Cosmic. Then, you will you have greater access to both. Your metaphysical body will have a configuration (pattern) to allow you to use the Re Hu Tek in a conscious, focused way.

The Re Hu Tek energies are all around us, just out of reach and only partly useable. Through the transmission attunement, they become a part of your very nature. Part of your being.

After you are attuned, it’s only a matter of what you can do with the Re Hu Tek energies to improve, empower, and uplift your life and, if you choose, the lives of others.

It couldn’t be easier. Right now, we offer a home-study course with 2 levels. We are developing an online version of these as well. For a more up-close-and personal approach, we offer live, one-on-one and group training, too. These are held in the Southern California Inland Empire. Contact us for details.

See our About Re Hu Tek section.

Sombu Kotal™ (saum-boo kō-toll) is next step in expanding your connection to and ability to use these energies, especially the Cosmic energy. Re Hu Tek is the Egyptian name for the energies. In the millennia before the rise of Egyptian civilization, it was called Sombu Kotal, which means “empty vessel.” In numerous ancient philosophies, a vessel must first be emptied before it can be used for something else.

If you are ready to really transform yourself into a “light worker,” to clear away the clutter and “baggage” you carry from this, and past lives, and to become rooted in your true essence, Sombu Kotal is a direct and conscious path to do this.

It also offers many other benefits, such as a simple yet powerful way of using the energies for healing, and manifesting. The clearer you get, the more you are in alignment with your true Self, the more ability you have to change. See Sombu Kotal Section.

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