No information or instruction on this website or in the Re Hu Tek training materials, including manual and the companion DVD,CDs, or computer files is intended to replace medical diagnosis, prescription, or treatment. Energy work, and medicine are two different disciplines and the information in the Re Hu Tek training is not medicine but subtle energy work and does not constitute medical advice in any shape or form. Re Hu Tek is not a substitute for proper medical help, but it can be used in conjuction with other modalities. In case of illness, consult a licensed medical practitioner.
The publisher and authors are not liable for the misconception or misuse of information provided in this website, training manuals, the companion DVD, CDs, computer files or the Re Hu Tek™ training, attunements or sessions. Metastudies Institute, Anita Burns, or Allen Burns shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this website, training manuals, the companion DVD, CDs, computer files nor any Re Hu Tek™ training, attunement, sessions, or other techniques and systems taught in conjunction with Re Hu Tek™.
We make no claims as to results obtained from the materials and practicing the techniques and exercises in this training. Everyone is unique and will make progress according to their personal path.