Allen Burns
Allen has been on a spiritual path since he was a young man. He has had a number of energy experiences (kundalini) in his early days while involved in the Christian world. He discovered his ability to use energies and sound after becoming involved with a charismatic spiritual group. Having grown beyond the limited belief systems, he left the group, and spent several years searching for answers to his unusual ability to use sound and energy to affect people in various ways, including healing. His quest brought him to his wife, Anita.
Together they found the answers that led them to the rediscovery and development of the Re Hu Tek™ and Sombu Kotal™ subtle energy systems. Over the years he and his wife have attuned hundreds of people all over the world to these energies and educated them on its many uses through live training or the home study courses.
Allen produces Re Hu Tek subtle energy enhanced recordings using his voice and electronic technology for body/mind/spirit. He is co-owner of MetaStudies Institute, a web based resource for home study courses in metaphysical and life enhancing subjects, and co-developer of Re Hu Tek™ and Sombu Kotal.

Anita Burns
Anita Burns is an Astrologer, NLP trainer and practitioner, and Master Hypnotherapist. She is a certified Handwriting Analyst, co-founded the NLP Institute of Houston, Texas, and the Houston Association for Hypnotherapists. She has authored numerous books and articles on spiritual and holistic living. She was the official astrology reporter for KFRG radio and currently writes the astrology column for the Messenger newspaper.
Anita is an experienced and accomplished instructor of a wide range of subjects both mundane and spiritual and has taught and lectured all over the world, including France, England; Egypt, Greece, Turkey, and Holland. She is co-owner of MetaStudies Institute, a web based resource for home study courses in metaphysical and life enhancing subjects, and co-developer of Re Hu Tek™ and Sombu Kotal.™
Books by Anita:
Psychic Intuitive: A Self-Guided Course in Developing Psychic Intuitive Skills
In the Light…Candle Magick (Kindle)
Professional Hypnosis Training—A Self Guided Course (Kindle)
Herbal Secrets for Health and Beauty (Kindle)